Before we start talking about my lineup, let's start by understanding the boss for TOA 100 first.
Boss Information
His skillsets are as listed below:
- Guillotine: Smites the enemy, removing 1 Beneficial Effect and decreasing Attack Speed and Attack Power for 3 turns.
This will be his basic attack. It hits 1 monster at a time, applying Attack Speed and Attack Power debuffs for 3 turns while also removing 1 buff on your monster. While the debuffs looks awful, it is not a huge concern in our quest to kill him.
- Guillotine: Smites the enemy, removing 1 Beneficial Effect and decreasing Attack Speed and Attack Power for 3 turns.
This will be his basic attack. It hits 1 monster at a time, applying Attack Speed and Attack Power debuffs for 3 turns while also removing 1 buff on your monster. While the debuffs looks awful, it is not a huge concern in our quest to kill him.
- Xenocide: Strikes all enemies, decreasing their Defense for
3 turns (Reusuable in 3 turn(s)).
His second skill and arguably the deadliest in his skillset. He deals damage to all monsters while applying a Defense debuff which, if not removed, will surely kill your monsters in 1 hit. This will be the priority debuff that needs to be removed as soon as possible before the boss gets another turn.
- Fatal Flames (Passive): Counterattacks the enemies with
burning flames and recovers a certain amount of damage as HP. [Automatic
A small damage reflect passive whenever he is attacked, while also healing him based on the amount of damage being made by our monsters. It's nothing that we can't handle.
- Almighty (Passive): Removes all Harmful Effects and
permanently increase the Attack Power,
Defense, and Attack Speed according to
the number of Harmful Effect removed.
A passive that removes all debuffs on the boss and increases his stats permanently throughout the fight. Take this as an enrage timer on the boss as the longer the fight goes, the higher the chances of us losing this fight. Do realise that the debuffs only gets removed AFTER the boss takes his turn which means we are free to take advantage of any debuffs being applied before he moves and debuff effects such as Glancing and Attack debuff will be in effect when he attacks.
- Left Crystal: Disturb the HP
Recovery of the enemies for 2 turns by a certain chance.
A crystal that gives our monsters unrecoverable debuff for 2 turns. It can be resisted but if you have it, do not panic and remove it immediately. This debuff is not as deadly as the Defense debuff.
- Right Crystal: Increases the Attack Bar
of the Boss by a certain amount.
This crystal will be the starting focus of the fight. An Attack Bar (ATB) booster for the boss who already hits hard each turn can definitely kill our lineup in several turns when given extra turns.
Baretta (leader)
Despair Focus with Spd, HP% and ACC%
Despair Focus with Spd, HP% and ACC%
Swift Energy with Spd, HP% and HP%
As you can see from my monster stats, you would still need decent runes upgraded to +12 at least in order to have an easy time on this boss but I can assure you that this will be worth all the trouble.
Fighting The Boss
The general strategy for this boss fight with the team composition mentioned above would be in this order.
Right Crystal > Left Crystal > Boss
Phase 1: Killing The Right Crystal
Right crystal increases the boss' Attack Bar (ATB). More turns for the boss will result in a less manageable damage output from him and will result in a wipe. It is extremely crucial for the team to kill this crystal off before too much damage is done to your team.
Dots from Baretta's third skill, Phoenix Fury, will be your main source of damage to this crystal so use it every time it is off cooldown. You can also apply debuff from Bernard's second skill, Body Slam, mainly for the defense debuff, to amplify your damage output for faster take down. You can also use Baretta's second skill, Turbulence, to reset the boss' ATB in this phase to lessen and manage his damage output effectively.
Players need to be wary of using Shannon's Decelerate, for slow debuff, as applying this to the boss will stack up the boss' Almighty passive buff earlier than expected, which can be detrimental to our cause. Do not worry about Baretta's continuous damage debuff as the boss is immune to continuous damage which means that Baretta will not be stacking up the boss' Almighty buff.
The important factors and tips for this phase is to always:
- Have Shannon's Pep Talk buff up at 100% uptime.
- Have Bernard's Tailwind buff up at 100% uptime.
- Have Baretta reset the boss' ATB when necessary to manage the boss' damage output.
- Have Baretta use Phoenix Fury everytime it is off cooldown.
- Have Konamiya cleanse the DEF debuff ONLY.
- Have Konamiya resurge on monsters that need it, i.e. (Ahman for more healing output, Baretta for faster cooldown cycle or any unit that needs to take a turn to remove any debuffs on him especially the healing debuff).
- Use good judgement on making use of Resurge as this can be the difference between a wipe and a win.
- Konamiya can also cleanse the healing debuff when needed provided that you can have Peace back up before the boss does his Xenocide skill to apply defense debuff. A good way to have Peace back up from its cooldown is to use resurge on Konamiya himself for faster cooldown cycle.
Phase 2: Killing The Left Crystal
The left crystal applies unrecoverable debuffs and that's about it. It shouldn't be much of a problem to bring this tower down as Baretta's continuous damage from phase 1 will have assisted in bringing this tower's health down. Just damage this tower as per phase 1, keeping the important factors of phase 1 still in mind before preparing for the main boss himself.
Phase 3: Killing The Big Boss
This is the moment that we have all been waiting for. Killing the boss. Unsurprisingly, at this stage, he is just a tank-and-spank boss after both crystals are down. Again make sure to keep all the important factors of phase 1 in mind when killing the boss and ALWAYS save Konamiya's Peace for removing the Defense debuff and not for healing. Use Resurge on Ahman if you need more heals or Baretta if you need to reset the boss' ATB.
Shannon will be your most important monster in this phase. Her Pep Talk buffs will enable all your monsters to outdamage the boss' healing mechanics while also giving you defense buffs that will help in reducing the boss' damage. Make sure that it is up 100% of the time.
Remember that the boss' Almighty buff stacks applies after he attacks hence any debuffs will be in effect when he attacks. Glancing and ATT down debuff is desirable for this phase but not extremely necessary.
Important factors in this phase:
- Have Shannon's Pep Talk buff up at 100% uptime so all monsters can outdamage his healing passive.
- Have Bernard's Tailwind buff up at 100% uptime.
- Have Baretta reset the boss' ATB when necessary to manage the boss' damage output.
- Have Baretta use Phoenix Fury everytime it is off cooldown.
- Have Konamiya cleanse the DEF debuff ONLY.
- Have Konamiya resurge on monsters that need it, i.e. (Ahman for more healing output, Baretta for faster cooldown cycle or any unit that needs to take a turn to remove any debuffs on him especially the healing debuff).
- Use good judgement on making use of Resurge as this can be the difference between a wipe and a win.
- Try to NOT damage the boss if and when you do have a Defense debuff on you as the Fatal Flames passive will outheal your damage while also having a small risk of killing your own monsters.
Congratulations! You have cleared TOA 100 on Normal difficulty!
Congratulations again in clearing TOA 100 with an f2p lineup. With that being said, I wish you luck in using that Legendary Scroll. My first scroll got me a Wind Monkey King and he has been an integral part of my arena team ever since.
Thank you for reading and do share this guide if you liked it.
I have added a video of me semi-autoing TOA 100 floor with a minor change to the line up by switching Konamiya with Veromos which is also a farmable mon. Hope you guys enjoy the video!
Swift Energy with Spd, HP% and HP%
As you can see from my monster stats, you would still need decent runes upgraded to +12 at least in order to have an easy time on this boss but I can assure you that this will be worth all the trouble.
Fighting The Boss
The general strategy for this boss fight with the team composition mentioned above would be in this order.
Right Crystal > Left Crystal > Boss
Phase 1: Killing The Right Crystal
Right crystal increases the boss' Attack Bar (ATB). More turns for the boss will result in a less manageable damage output from him and will result in a wipe. It is extremely crucial for the team to kill this crystal off before too much damage is done to your team.
Dots from Baretta's third skill, Phoenix Fury, will be your main source of damage to this crystal so use it every time it is off cooldown. You can also apply debuff from Bernard's second skill, Body Slam, mainly for the defense debuff, to amplify your damage output for faster take down. You can also use Baretta's second skill, Turbulence, to reset the boss' ATB in this phase to lessen and manage his damage output effectively.
Players need to be wary of using Shannon's Decelerate, for slow debuff, as applying this to the boss will stack up the boss' Almighty passive buff earlier than expected, which can be detrimental to our cause. Do not worry about Baretta's continuous damage debuff as the boss is immune to continuous damage which means that Baretta will not be stacking up the boss' Almighty buff.
The important factors and tips for this phase is to always:
- Have Shannon's Pep Talk buff up at 100% uptime.
- Have Bernard's Tailwind buff up at 100% uptime.
- Have Baretta reset the boss' ATB when necessary to manage the boss' damage output.
- Have Baretta use Phoenix Fury everytime it is off cooldown.
- Have Konamiya cleanse the DEF debuff ONLY.
- Have Konamiya resurge on monsters that need it, i.e. (Ahman for more healing output, Baretta for faster cooldown cycle or any unit that needs to take a turn to remove any debuffs on him especially the healing debuff).
- Use good judgement on making use of Resurge as this can be the difference between a wipe and a win.
- Konamiya can also cleanse the healing debuff when needed provided that you can have Peace back up before the boss does his Xenocide skill to apply defense debuff. A good way to have Peace back up from its cooldown is to use resurge on Konamiya himself for faster cooldown cycle.
Phase 2: Killing The Left Crystal
The left crystal applies unrecoverable debuffs and that's about it. It shouldn't be much of a problem to bring this tower down as Baretta's continuous damage from phase 1 will have assisted in bringing this tower's health down. Just damage this tower as per phase 1, keeping the important factors of phase 1 still in mind before preparing for the main boss himself.
Phase 3: Killing The Big Boss
This is the moment that we have all been waiting for. Killing the boss. Unsurprisingly, at this stage, he is just a tank-and-spank boss after both crystals are down. Again make sure to keep all the important factors of phase 1 in mind when killing the boss and ALWAYS save Konamiya's Peace for removing the Defense debuff and not for healing. Use Resurge on Ahman if you need more heals or Baretta if you need to reset the boss' ATB.
Shannon will be your most important monster in this phase. Her Pep Talk buffs will enable all your monsters to outdamage the boss' healing mechanics while also giving you defense buffs that will help in reducing the boss' damage. Make sure that it is up 100% of the time.
Remember that the boss' Almighty buff stacks applies after he attacks hence any debuffs will be in effect when he attacks. Glancing and ATT down debuff is desirable for this phase but not extremely necessary.
Important factors in this phase:
- Have Shannon's Pep Talk buff up at 100% uptime so all monsters can outdamage his healing passive.
- Have Bernard's Tailwind buff up at 100% uptime.
- Have Baretta reset the boss' ATB when necessary to manage the boss' damage output.
- Have Baretta use Phoenix Fury everytime it is off cooldown.
- Have Konamiya cleanse the DEF debuff ONLY.
- Have Konamiya resurge on monsters that need it, i.e. (Ahman for more healing output, Baretta for faster cooldown cycle or any unit that needs to take a turn to remove any debuffs on him especially the healing debuff).
- Use good judgement on making use of Resurge as this can be the difference between a wipe and a win.
- Try to NOT damage the boss if and when you do have a Defense debuff on you as the Fatal Flames passive will outheal your damage while also having a small risk of killing your own monsters.
Congratulations! You have cleared TOA 100 on Normal difficulty!
Congratulations again in clearing TOA 100 with an f2p lineup. With that being said, I wish you luck in using that Legendary Scroll. My first scroll got me a Wind Monkey King and he has been an integral part of my arena team ever since.
Thank you for reading and do share this guide if you liked it.
I have added a video of me semi-autoing TOA 100 floor with a minor change to the line up by switching Konamiya with Veromos which is also a farmable mon. Hope you guys enjoy the video!